Anglers on Millwall Dock
This photo was taken last week on Millwall Dock. The water was calm, the reflections were looking lovely and this angler found his way into a nice scene with the houseboats and colourful buildings making a beautiful backdrop.
From only doing 5 days of my Isle of Dogs challenge so far, the main thing I’m learning is how much space there is for everyone. River walks with expansive views, dockside walks with enough spots for fishing, lovely open parks, historic areas to puzzle over and new buildings to make your jaw drop.
I’ll be heading out this afternoon to walk in a new area. I haven’t chosen which one yet but I’m sure to find something new and surprising.
It’s interesting to see how the early docklands developments were built to be in keeping with a traditional docks area. Nowadays, that has been long forgotten and it seems to be the higher the better, reach for the sky! From Greenwich Park you can now see the breadth of the island covered in tall buildings and I no longer know which one is the highest. It’s good that a lot of these new buildings create landscaping around them and there are some lovely new gardens and planting features.
I laughed recently when I saw the hoardings around a new development, in the early stages of being built, boasting a forest and stream at it’s heart. I wondered how they could possible conjure that up. But a few days later I came upon the area they mean and it’s already there!! Ok, forest is too strong a word, small wooded area perhaps. But it’s lovely and it’s good to see that there’s thought being put into the environment of the surrounding areas.
I hope you’re having a good weekend so far x
Angler on Millwall Dock, Isle of Dogs, London