Day 5 of my 5 day challenge - twilight and night photography - Done!
Charrington Tower, Ontario Tower and other buildings
Last night was a little bit different to the previous days in that I set out to walk further than I had before. I ended up walking a lot! So that was great from the exercise point of view. Very unusually for me, I came back with only 7 shots. One of those was a mis-time so that left 6. I did find a new location I hadn’t been in before though and an amazing subject for some future day time photos - some really quirky old cranes on the quayside.
Where I ended up taking all my shots was in Poplar Dock, looking towards Blackwall. My favourite image, the one I’ve posted as my blog photo today, is one of Ontario Tower and Charrington Tower with the boats of the dock just visible at the foot of the photo.
The reason I took so few photos was that I had walked a long roundabout way to the dock, having never walked there before. By the time I got there, I had to hurry back home in time for a Zoom call at 7pm, or so I thought. When I tried to log on, the call had already ended. It was a mix up on the part of the organiser. He lives in Arizona where they spend half the year on Pacific Time and half on Mountain Time. The switch over happened this week but with the flurry of interest in the US election (especially in Arizona) he hadn’t paid attention to it.
It didn’t make too much difference in the end because I was able to watch a recording of the call. Between this and the election coverage this week, I’m learning a lot more about American time zones. When I worked in asset management we dealt a lot with New York offices so I’m very familiar with their time zone. It was less common to call people in other parts of the country though.
I enjoyed this small challenge (and it certainly took my mind off lockdown) so next week I’m taking on a much bigger one. I’m going to walk every street on the Isle of Dogs. I have absolutely no idea how long that will take so I’m not setting any time constraints. I’m pretty sure it’s going to fill up my time for the next 4 weeks of restrictions though.
My thoughts are with you if you’re struggling to fill the time. Hang on in there! x